Ryan Seacrest asked Simon Cowell who should leave American Idol tonight and Simon Cowell answered that�Anoop, Matt, and Megan should be worried.
Ryan Seacrest then announced that tonight could be the end for one of the contestants unless the judges come to their aid. He then announced that Kris Allen, Matt Giraud, Lil Rounds, Adam Lambert, Danny Gokey, and Scott MacIntrye were safe, while Megan Corkrey, Allison Iraheta and Anoop Desai were in the bottom three.
After the break Ryan Seacrest sent Allison and Anoop back to their seats as they are safe for elimination.
Simon Cowell told Megan that this would be her swan song as they would not be saving her tonight. We then saw Megan�s montage. Megan thanked everyone on American Idol, the other contestants, the judges and America.
Source: realitytvmagazine
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