When asked about what beauty means to her, she said, "the simpler a woman is, the more beautiful she is because in her simplicity, you�ll instantly see that�s she�s beautiful. Not because she became famous, but because of the way she carries herself, what her aura emanates. That�s what�s beautiful to me. I admire a woman who has confidence, a woman who believes in herself, knows that she�s beautiful, intelligent and sexy and carries herself well, even if she�s not that beautiful in the popular sense. That�s number one.
"Number two, when you talk to a beautiful woman, what she says should make sense. You�ll find a woman more appealing if, from the start, she�s interesting to talk to. Then number three, her personality, of course. You may be intelligent and beautiful, but if you�re not approachable or you�re just not that pleasant to talk to, that�s the deal breaker."
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