Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rupert Grint Plays Ron for the Last Time in �Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows � Part 2�

As Rupert Grint says goodbye to playing Ron Weasley, the young actor shares what transpired during the last shooting day of �Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows � Part 2,� as well as his plans post-�Potter.�

Question: Did the cast and crew do anything special on the last day of shooting?
Rupert Grint: Yeah, they played a video. We did this thing called the Golden Board. Have to have Dan [Radcliffe] explain that, but it�s basically a big count-down. This film was like 260 days or something. Every day we had this board, like �day one,� �day two� and each time it would be a silly saying and stuff. They kind of edited all that together and it was just really nice to see that. It was actually quite emotional too.

Q: We heard your birthday happened during shooting? Tell us about that.
Grint: It was cool. It was my Golden Board. They set up a pi�ata in the Weasley house and I was trying to hit it and, yeah, that was quite good.

Q: Within this family of Harry Potter, you also have the Weasleys. Do you guys feel a certain bond in terms of this being your on-screen family that will always be close?
Grint: Yeah. Definitely. We have Julie Walters, �cause I�ve worked with her before outside of �Potter,� and she, naturally, is quite a motherly type and she�s seen us grow up as well. And she really kind of cares about us. The twins as well. I�m really good friends with them. I see them quite regularly, yeah, so we�ll always kind of see each other.

Q: Is there any particular scene in all the films that you wish you could have been in, even as a different character?
Grint: I think, in the sixth film, I really liked the scene with Harry and Dumbledore in the boat. That was really cool.

Q: Do you have ideas about maybe directing some day or what you might like to do 10 years from now?
Grint: Directing�s a nice idea, but in 10 years I�m not sure. I definitely want to keep on acting, and just do different roles. I�m looking forward to that.

Q: You�ve had quite a variety of roles in 10 years, between �Harry Potter� and some of the other films you�ve done.
Grint: I�m quite keen. I�m always going to miss �Harry Potter,� but it�s the right time to move on and I�m ready to do different things.

Q: Have you any other projects lined up in the near future?
Grint: Yeah, there are a few things; nothing definite yet. But it has been nice just to have a break now. This last film was really exhausting and I haven�t been on holiday for like three years and it was nice to kind of finally do that.

Q: They�re going to be turning the studio into a museum. Have you thought about that?
Grint: I know, yeah. They said they were going to make replicas of our dressing rooms as well so people can see them. It�s just quite a weird thought, but yeah, that�s great. I mean, it�s such a special place to us because I�ve spent more time there than my own home, really, and to know that it�s going to live on is really great.

Q: You�ve bought some outrageous things in the past. You mentioned a mini-ice rink? What�s some of the items you may have purchased that are not sort of everyday items?
Grint: I supposed I�ve got some weird things. The latest thing is we�ve got miniature donkeys. They�re just like normal donkeys, but kind of half the size.

Q: How many and what are their names?
Grint: Just two. Shakespeare and Pandora. [Laughs]

Q: For breeding purposes or just as pets?
Grint: Just as pets, yeah. I�ve got miniature pigs as well, and miniature hedgehogs.

Q: How many different animals do you have? I mean, your entire family?
Grint: We�ve obviously got dogs and cats and a parrot and peacocks.

Q: You�ve got a zoo! What size of place do you have to have all these things?
Grint: I live in the country, really. Just outside London. There�s a few acres, yeah. They�ve got some good space.

Distributed by Warner Bros., �Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows � Part 2� will be released in Philippine theatres and IMAX, in 3D and 2D, beginning July 14, 2011.

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