Monday, May 25, 2009

62nd Cannes International Film Festival - Winners

Michael Haneke�s The White Ribbon from Austria bags the Palm d�Or (Best Film) in the recently concluded Cannes International Film Festival.

The White Ribbon is a story about a small village that is rocked by a series of mysterious and cruel crimes with a group of young children as prime suspects.

This is the second Best Picture award that was won by Austria in Cannes, the first was "The Last Chance" in 1946.

Here is the complete list of winners for Cannes International Film festival 2009:

Palme d�Or (Golden Palm):
The White Ribbon - Michael Haneke (Austria)

Grand Prix (Runner-up):
A Prophet - Jacques Audiard (France)

Jury Prize:
Fish Tank - Andrea Arnold (Britain) and Thirst - Park Chan-Wook (South Korea)

Special Career Prize:
Alain Resnais, Director of "Wild Grass"

Best Director:
Brillante Mendoza - Kinatay (Philippines)

Best Actor:
Christoph Waltz - Inglourious Basterds (United States)

Best Actress:
Charlotte Gainsbourg - Antichrist (Denmark)

Best Screenplay:
Feng Mei - Spring Fever (China)

Camera d�Or (for Debut Film):
Samson and Delilah - Warwick Thornton (Australia)

Best Short Film:
Arena - Joao Salaviza (Portugal)

The winners were chosen Sunday night by a nine-member Cannes jury headed by French actress Isabelle Huppert, which included actresses Robin Wright Penn (Forrest Gump) and Asia Argento and director James Gray.

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