(Where was the Nigerian Consulate for Chikezie???)
Dear Friends in Media and Community:
Please find below letter of Mr. Joseph Zing requesting for assistance in promoting Ramiele Malubay - the Filipina contestant on Americal Idol.
Your support to our very own kababayan would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much.
Philippine Consulate General New York
* * *
The Honorable Ms.Rebong:
We write to your honorable office asking for your valuable help in promoting and supporting your very own Ramiele Malubay - the Filipina contestant on American Idol.
She has the talent and charisma to reach all the way to the top. However, as she struggles against insurmountable odds, she needs the very committed support of her fellow countrymen in this battle. In fact, she is the only genuine Amateur competing against seasoned professionals.
Any help your office can extend will be greatly appreciated by her committed fans, including the thousands of Filipinos living here in the USA and in the Philippines. Should you have the time, please visit her official fan site at http://www.ramiele.com.
Thank you very much for whatever manner of assistance you may be able to extend to her.
Joseph Zing
Source: rickeydotorg
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